Proverbs 21:30

UNRWA’s Ongoing War against Israel and Jews


On October 27, 2015, US Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL-R) blasted the United Nations group that works for the Palestinians.

UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, has a stated mission of helping over 5 million “Palestine refugees.” That unique and bizarre definition of “refugees” includes second, third and even fourth generation descendants of people who used to live in Palestine, even though refugee status cannot be handed down through the generations like an inheritance, and refugees are defined as people who flee from a country, not a house or a region.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) UN Watch, which monitors various UN bodies, reported on October 16 that “at least ten different UN staffers are using the imprimatur of their official positions to incite Palestinian stabbing and shooting attacks against Israeli Jews, with one calling on Facebook to “stab Zionist dogs.” That revelation led US Rep. Ros-Lehtinen to attack UNRWA from the House floor and question whether US taxpayers should continue to fund an organization that has close ties to Hamas.



November 2, 2015 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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