Proverbs 21:30

Shepard Smith Calls Out White House Over Petty Swipe At Fox News [VIDEO]

Shepard Smith Calls Out White House Over Petty Swipe At Fox News [VIDEO]

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Shepard Smith Calls Out White House Over Petty Swipe At Fox News [VIDEO]

The Wilderness Years

by Citizen Warrior

I just finished a book called Winston Churchill – The Wilderness Years: Speaking out Against Hitler in the Prelude to War. The term “wilderness years” refers to the span between 1929 and 1939 when Churchill was warning people about the danger of Naziism while the leaders of the UK, France, and the US were all busy disarming.

They were disarming because they thought since they had disarmed Germany (with the Treaty of Versaille), it was only fair for the rest of them to disarm too. That way, they thought, another cataclysmic war could not happen. The US, the UK, France, Russia, and others were drafting mutual agreements to destroy their own armaments, limit military service, restrict the size of their air forces, etc. Meanwhile, the Nazis ignored the Treaty and were furiously building their war capability in secret.

Churchill spoke out against universal disarmament, and he fell out of favor with the public and with his fellow politicians. He could see that the Nazis were militant, imperialistic and supremacist, and everyone could see they were gaining power. Churchill thought that disarming was the last thing the non-Germans should do. But almost everyone but Churchill felt that the first World War was so horrible that war must never happen again. Within this “logic,” making weapons and building armies would be going in the wrong direction. It was considered “a provocation and a danger.”

Churchill was well-versed in the history of war and saw that historically, the most reliable way to prevent a war had always been to be capable of winning a war (because it discourages others from starting conflicts). He believed in building strong alliances between a well-armed UK, France, and America, and he pushed for a pact between them that they would defend each other in the case of German aggression, but he failed to convince the politicians of any of those three countries that this was how they could make sure that Germany would not rearm and go on the offensive.

Before 1929, Churchill had been a successful, well-known and greatly respected politician. From 1929 until WW2 started, he was no longer popular with political leaders. He was labeled a “scaremonger,” and in 1934 in the German press, Churchill was dismissed as “an incorrigible Germanophobe.” That is a quote. I kid you not.

People in high office, including the Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, believed Churchill’s criticism of the Nazis made the Nazis more hostile. They thought Churchill saying that the Nazis were dangerous would push the Nazis to war. They just wanted Churchill to stop talking and go away.

The reason I thought this was interesting is because, of course, we are in our own wilderness years. The parallels are startling. We have several modern day Winston Churchills (and in fact, there were more people than only Churchill speaking out in his day too), but I would say our modern day Churchill, if I had to choose just one person, would be Geert Wilders. And the majority of today’s European political leaders want Wilders to stop talking and go away too.

Churchill reached out to the general public, through newspapers and radio, just as Wilders is doing now. In The Wilderness Years, the author, Martin Gilbert, wrote:




January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Wilderness Years

The Cuban Dissidents Attending State of the Union Show How Outrageous Obama’s Support of Castro Is

Mike Gonzalez

Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation, is a widely experienced international correspondent, commentator and editor who has reported from Asia, Europe and Latin America. He served in the George W. Bush Administration first at the Securities and Exchange Commission and then at the State Department. His book, “A Race for the Future: How Conservatives Can Break the Liberal Monopoly on Hispanic Americans,” was published in September. Read his research.

By inviting brave Cuban dissidents as their guests for today’s State of the Union address, friends of Cuban freedom in Congress are casting President Obama in a very unfavorable role—as supporter of their tormentor and dictator, Raul Castro. The island’s dissidents say they feel betrayed by Obama’s move to establish ties with Castro, and their presence will speak volumes.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., will bring as his guest Rosa Maria Paya, the daughter of one of the island’s best-known resistance leaders, Oswaldo Paya, who was killed in a 2012 car accident which witnesses and family members said was staged by Castro’s goons.

In a very pointed letter to President Obama after his Dec. 17 decision to establish relations with the Castro government, published by The Washington Post two days later, Paya wrote:



January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Cuban Dissidents Attending State of the Union Show How Outrageous Obama’s Support of Castro Is

Saeed’s Wife Begs for Face-to-Face with Obama

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Saeed’s Wife Begs for Face-to-Face with Obama

Why was St. Albert RCMP shooter allowed to walk free?


The one lesson that screams out from the weekend casino shooting of two Mounties in St. Albert is just how porous our criminal justice system is.

Following the shooting, RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson asked how it was possible that Shawn Maxwell Rehn, the shooter of Const. David Wynn and Aux. Const. Derek Bond, was “walking amongst us?”

Sadly, tragically, Const. Wynn is on life support and his loved ones have said their goodbyes.

The commissioner has to be polite in his tone. He has to retain a level of impartiality because he has to enforce the law evenly and he and his officers have to operate within the criminal justice system.

But the rest of us do not.



January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Why was St. Albert RCMP shooter allowed to walk free?

Because There’s All SORTS Of Violent Extremism, Y’all. The Radical Islam Kind Is Just One Of Many.

It’s just getting comical, really, how much the state department and the rest of the Obama administration want to avoid talking about radical islamic extremism.

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Because There’s All SORTS Of Violent Extremism, Y’all. The Radical Islam Kind Is Just One Of Many.

Iran and Hezbollah are planning ‘imminent’ joint invasion of Israel’s northern Galilee

Israel carried out airstrike on convoy in Syria on Sunday killing 11 people
Among them were commanders from Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah
Today Israeli general warns they were likely planning attack on Galilee
Israel moving troops to region after Tehran warned of ‘crushing response’

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Iran and Hezbollah are planning ‘imminent’ joint invasion of Israel’s northern Galilee

Ginsburg and Kagan Must Recuse Themselves on ‘Gay Marriage’ Case

Bryan Fischer

Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elana Kagan must recuse themselves from the upcoming decision on homosexual marriage.

The reason is simple: their impartiality on the matter has been hopelessly compromised.



January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Ginsburg and Kagan Must Recuse Themselves on ‘Gay Marriage’ Case

Muslims and Islamists

How do extremists relate to the population in which they live?

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Muslims and Islamists

Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Peter Baklinski

( – Parents and ratepayers in a Hamilton area school board will never know exactly what a homosexual activist told their children during a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) assembly a year ago.

The Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) of Ontario upheld last week the decision of the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) to “deny access to the record” of the speech.

Suresh Dominic of Campaign Life Catholics told that parents of school children should be “outraged that they have been denied the right to know what is being taught to their children.”

Last November, a certified teacher named Laura Wolfson was invited as a guest speaker at a school-wide GSA held at Parkside High School in Dundas. Wolfson reportedly identified herself to the 400 students as a lesbian “youth worship leader” from a synagogue and held herself out to be an authority on Old Testament Scripture.

Wolfson allegedly sought to discredit Catholic teaching on homosexuality by suggesting that since the eating of fish on Fridays was no longer adhered to, neither should biblical teachings on homosexuality.

She allegedly began her treatment of Scripture by providing a definition of the word “abomination,” after which she pointed out that two offenses other than homosexuality were labeled “abominations” in the Bible. They were “not keeping the Sabbath holy” and “getting drunk”. Wolfson suggested that since no one would condemn these two acts as “abominations” today, then it made no sense to condemn homosexual acts either.

Parents, ratepayers, and pro-family groups were outraged that school officials invited a speaker who publicly discredited Judeo-Christian beliefs. Many saw this as a foretaste of what Premier Dalton McGuinty’s newly proposed anti-bullying legislation, Bill 13, would bring into the schools. Critics warned that McGuinty’s bill concealed a radical agenda that would trample religious freedom and parental rights.




January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school

Pamela Geller on The Tom Trento Show, 1-19

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Pamela Geller on The Tom Trento Show, 1-19

Does this mummy mask hide the oldest known GOSPEL?

They say the small piece of material bears the Gospel of Mark

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Does this mummy mask hide the oldest known GOSPEL?

Pelosi appoints a race-baiting Muslim to a national security committee

Pelosi appoints a race-baiting Muslim to a national security committee

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Pelosi appoints a race-baiting Muslim to a national security committee

The Rod Part 2 1-18-15

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Rod Part 2 1-18-15

[Watch] Valerie Jarrett’s Dismissively Calling Paris March A Parade Means Only One Pro-Islamic Thing

This regime is littered with foreign-born officials and it is not because we have a shortage of qualified Americans willing to serve their country. It is precisely because they are Americans or more correctly, patriotic, loyal Americans that they are unacceptable for positions within the Obama regime, a domestic enemy of the United States.

January 20, 2015 Posted by | Uncategorized | Comments Off on [Watch] Valerie Jarrett’s Dismissively Calling Paris March A Parade Means Only One Pro-Islamic Thing