Proverbs 21:30

Media’s Racial Campaign against Romney Supporters Intensifies

By Chad Stafko:

With inside two weeks until the presidential election and Mitt Romney’s campaign awash in momentum, the left’s accomplices in the mainstream media and in the ivory towers of academia have ramped up their efforts to mix race into the fray, trying to guilt whites into again voting for Obama or else make them feel as though they are racists.

Take that bastion of news independence, CNN. During much of Thursday, the main story at was titled, “Could Obama’s Struggles With White Voters Cost Him The Election?”

CNN called upon Mark Anthony Neal, a cultural and black studies professor at Duke University, to comment on the story. Neal, a staunch leftist and liberal blogger, stated, “Part of the reason we’re thinking about this is the dynamic of this being a black president.”

The black community has been quite vocal that they were voting for Obama because he is black. They are not concerned about character or policy but the colour of his skin. So it’s a bit rich for the left to accuse the GOP, or anyone else for that matter, of being racist if they don’t vote for Obama. Republicans vote for Republicans so it’s hardly surprising they would vote for Romney. That’s why they join conservative political parties, it’s because they believe in conservative values.  Had Allan West been the GOP nominee they would have voted for him.  Colour is irrelevant, it’s the values that matter.  This entire subject is hypocritical in the extreme.

The racists are the blacks who are voting for Obama for no other reason than simply because he is black.


October 27, 2012 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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