Proverbs 21:30

Spain’s Jew-Hating Majority – “Germans Were Wrong Not to Burn Them All”

by Anna Mahjar-Barducci:

“The levels of anti-Semitism in Spain are among the highest in Europe,” wrote the Spanish daily, El Pais. According to a poll, presented on November 30 during the Fourth International Seminary on Antisemitism hosted at the Caja Navarra Foundation in Madrid, 52% of Spanish students declared that they would not like to have a Jewish classmate sitting next to them, and 58% of adults thought that Jews have too much power and that they are all too rich.

The organizers of the Madrid conference said they were sad an bewildered that anti-Semitism “is a problem that is often denied in the country.” The Federation of the Jewish Communities in Spain (FCJE) also stated that although surveys indicate that there are high levels of “hostility” towards Jews, “most leaders and media persons believe there is no prejudice whatsoever against Jews.” However, sociologist Alejandro Baer explains that the situation has become unbearable and that it is time to face the problem: “In Spain, insults, writings and slogans against Jews are considered normal.”

Baer added that anti-Semitism in Spain is particularly surprising, as “there are hardly any Jews.” Even though the percentage of Jews in Spain is only the 0.2% of the population, negative stereotypes are very much present and they are the symptom of a “social pathology.”



December 21, 2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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