Proverbs 21:30

Federal Decision on ACORN Funding: Does ACORN Have a Right to Your Tax Dollars??


News broke a couple of days ago that a federal judge had ruled that Congress violated the Constitution when it passed a bill cutting off ACORN’s funding. Specifically, the judge ruled in her opinion that the Congressional act had violated the Bill of Attainder Clause.

I don’t find the decision convincing. It seems to me that the opinion essentially establishes some sort of ongoing right to federal funding. This isn’t like a case where the Government actually punishes someone — such as the hypothetical Eugene Volokh Execution Act of 2009 mentioned in this 2009 Eugene Volokh post on the subject. Congress is simply saying: we choose not to fund a particular organization. Such decisions, it seems to me, are for Congress to make, and not some federal judge.



March 12, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized

1 Comment

  1. Good discussion about this here:

    “So was ACORN’s defunding an act of attainder? The answer is clearly no because there was no bill of attainder that stated the accused is hereby convicted, attainted and “shall suffer the pains of death.” Same general arguments with a bill of pains as there was never any bill calling for congressional conviction through enactment. “

    Comment by Grant | March 17, 2010

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