Proverbs 21:30

Hillary: Counting Jews in Jerusalem

Ken Blackwell:

If the Jews cannot live in Malmo, where are they to go but Jerusalem?

Madame Secretary has obediently supported every Mideast initiative of this administration. She has signed off on billions in aid to Fatah, the so-called Palestinian Authority. This outfit, better known as the avowedly terrorist Palestine Liberation Organization, suppressed state TV coverage of West Bank Arabs on 9/11. Residents cheered as the Twin Towers came down and fired off their rifles in the air that terrible day to celebrate their fellow terrorists’ attack on America.

The reason the PLO leaders ordered those cameras to go dark on September 11, 2001, was not that they did not approve of the wild Hate America scenes being acted out by their fellow denizens. No, it was because the PLO big shots did not want to jeopardize the generous U.S. foreign aid with which they line their pockets and pad their Geneva bank accounts.

If she does not regret it already, Secretary Clinton will come to bitterly rue her association with the shameful Mideast policies of this administration.



September 13, 2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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